Welcome to our new Manager!
/The team at Brain Injury HB are really excited to introduce you to our new manager, Desiree!!
Desiree believes “that all people have potential”.
During working in the commerce industry Desiree realised her passion lay with empowering people and providing them with support to meet their full potential. This led her to complete a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Psychology and Information Systems. She then completed a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy and has worked alongside adults with physical and mental health disabilities, people living with brain injury and most recently children with neurodevelopmental conditions. She is currently completing psychology postgraduate studies in advanced social psychology, child, and family as well as clinical neuropsychology.
Desiree believes the whakatauki “He tangata, he tangata, he tangata” sums up her journey so far. “It is the people, it is the people, it is the people”.