Welcome to our new Manager!

The team at Brain Injury HB are really excited to introduce you to our new manager, Desiree!!

Desiree believes “that all people have potential”.

During working in the commerce industry Desiree realised her passion lay with empowering people and providing them with support to meet their full potential. This led her to complete a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Psychology and Information Systems. She then completed a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy and has worked alongside adults with physical and mental health disabilities, people living with brain injury and most recently children with neurodevelopmental conditions. She is currently completing psychology postgraduate studies in advanced social psychology, child, and family as well as clinical neuropsychology.

Desiree believes the whakatauki “He tangata, he tangata, he tangata” sums up her journey so far. “It is the people, it is the people, it is the people”.

Back into the swing of things ....

The Education Service is back in full swing this month at Brain Injury HB.

As we head into the first School term of the year, we are getting in touch with all our local Hawkes Bay Schools to invite them to be part of this year’s Concussion Wise programme. This is a FREE programme that we offer to all School’s in HB, please get in touch to book your School!

Have A Go Day is happening on Sunday 21st of this month. This day is all about giving our Tamariki a chance to “Have A Go” at different sports before signing up for the season, we will also be giving tips to keep them injury free, ensuring they can continue to play for many seasons to come! For more info head to our Facebook Event page.

Another exciting event we have coming up is the ‘Our Story’ Art Exhibition. This is happening at the Hastings Community Art Gallery from the 15th- 26th of March. This is a great opportunity to come and check out the amazing work of our talented artists. We will be hosting an open evening on Friday 19th March, come along for drinks and nibbles, keep an eye on our Facebook for more details.

For more information on any of these events or to register for Concussion Wise please get in touch vicki.welsby@braininjuryhb.co.nz, or head to our FB page https://www.facebook.com/BrainInjuryHB

Vicki at Irongate School

Vicki at Irongate School

Welcome to 2021!!!

Kia Ora Koutou,


Happy new year to you all!   I hope everyone has had a good summer break and you’re refreshed and ready for the year ahead.  Our services have reopened after a short break, with our peer support groups resuming in the coming weeks.

In delivering our services, our aim is to promote and encourage independence and ownership of the person’s journey following a Brain Injury.  We do this through the provision of support, advocacy, and information.  We also provide opportunities to participate in social activities, as well as creating links to the community.  If you or someone you know are seeking to connect with others on the same journey, one of our support groups might be what you’re looking for.  Brain Injury HB host various support groups, both online and in-person.  

Katie at the International Day of People with Disabilities

Katie at the International Day of People with Disabilities

The Hastings Peer Support Group meet for lunch on the last Thursday of the month at the National Service Club.  The first lunch for 2021 will be held on 28th January 2021.  This is followed by the Taradale Peer Support Group, who meet for coffee starting 11th February 2021.  For more information or to register for either of these groups, please contact me on 878 6875.  We also host a Whānau support group, where whanau can connect with others who are faced with similar experiences whilst supporting someone with a brain injury.  This group runs on the first Tuesday of the month, 4-5pm in our office, and resumes 2nd February 2021.  Please contact Debbie for more information on 878 6875.   If you would prefer to connect virtually with others who have experienced a brain injury, or with whanau of people who have experienced a brain injury, we also host online groups via our Facebook Group @ Brain Injury HB.  These groups provide a safe space for people to connect with their peers, and is designed to help individuals discuss issues, struggles, strategies, ideas and solutions they may be facing in their journey.

Stroke Central Region also hold regular clubs and programmes to improve the lives of those affected by stroke.   They hold an online café twice a month as well as support groups in Hastings, Napier, and Central Hawkes Bay.  The Central HB support group meets on the 4th Thursday of the month, at the Lily Pond Café, Waipukurau.  For more information contact Heather 06 856 8297.  The Hastings Stroke Support Group is held on the 3rd Friday of the month at the Red Cross meeting rooms, contact Katie-Ann 06 878 7875 for more information.  The Greendale Stroke Support Group meet every 2nd Wednesday at Origin Café, Taradale followed by an outing on the 4th Sunday of the month.  For more information contact Colleen on 06 844 8604.

Some upcoming events we’re looking forward to include the annual Wheels on Windsor car show on 14th March, run by the Hawke’s Bay British & European Car Club.  Brain Injury HB relies on donations to continue to provide vital services to brain injury survivors along with their caregivers and whanau, so we will be there collecting donations and selling raffle tickets to raise funds for our services, we hope to see you there!  This will be closely followed by Brain Injury Awareness Week, which runs from 15 - 19th March 2021.  We’re excited to host an art exhibition during our awareness campaign, showcasing the creativity of people affected by brain injury.

Watch this space for updates on our upcoming events of 2021!

Take care


Survivng the Silly Season

Hi Everyone,

Well what a year we have had!

This one was certainly very different, with lock-down in the middle of it, but thankfully we are out the other side and as a country we are getting some semblance of normality back, just in time for the festive season. We are fortunate that throughout our holiday season we will have the freedom to be able to travel around the country (should we want to) and celebrate the festive season with our family/ Whānau and friends.

While the festive season can be a happy and joyful time it can also bring with it some stress, especially when trying to navigate the seasons social events along with shopping in the hustle and bustle of festive crowds. With this in mind we have found some helpful tips to share in the hopes of making it a stress free and enjoyable holiday season.

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Tips for the holiday season 

When Shopping

·         Where possible avoid the stores and order online.

·         If you are shopping in store, plan your trips to town ahead of time and avoid the busy times and days. Eg. Go in the early morning or late afternoon when there is less people out and about.

·         Write down the stores you intend going to and what it is you intend to buy, making a list can mean spending less time browsing.

·         Remember to take your sunglasses and a hat with a brim which can reduce the glare from not only the sun but also the shop lighting.

·         Wear noise reducing head phones – these also make a great gift for someone with a TBI if they don’t already have them.

·         Shop with a friend, they can help navigate the crowds and support you if any anxiety producing situations arise.

·         Ask someone you trust to help with a budget so you don’t overspend this season.

When Socialising

·         Where possible identify in advance a quiet place to retreat to at gatherings, so that if you need to you can go directly there to have a break and it means your loved ones can stay involved with the festivities

·         Plan in advance where possible and don’t be afraid to ask your hosts what the plans are for the event, so you are not surprised by anything.

·         Take a nap if you need a break.

·         Volunteer to help with the holiday activities that you enjoy and are least stressful for you.

·         Remember it is also OK to skip the big parties and plan to celebrate in a way that makes you happy and comfortable.

·         Most of all -Please remember that it’s ok to ask for help and to accept it when it is offered to you.

From the team here at BIA we wish you all a safe and happy festive season and hope to catch you all in the New Year.

Take care,


Creating Community Awareness with Vicki

November is here and we are on the countdown to summer!!

We are starting the month off with an Open Day at the Brain Injury HB office, this is to give professionals, clients and members of our community the chance to meet the team and see where we are based. It will be great to have a cuppa and a chat with anyone who comes along.

Next on the agenda is the Tumu Group Whānau Wellness Day, this will be held at the Sports Park, and aims to promote and improve the health and well-being of the Tumus Team and their Whānau. After a quiet year it will be great to be out at a big event again, balancing brains on spoons while wearing concussion goggles is always a great time at these events, and a great way to show the effects of concussion.

Concussion in Schools has had a busier Term Four as things have started to return to normal, we have worked with Port Ahuriri, Arthur Miller and Irongate Schools, that’s another 700 local Tamariki educated about concussion!! This programme is continuing to get great feedback, we have recently heard of a child that was able to tell their parents of their concussion symptoms because of what they had learned, this sort of feedback is so valuable and we are so grateful to all the schools we have worked with!

Enjoy the rest of the month before we head into the silly season!


Arthur Miller.jpg

Arthur Miller School

Catching up with Katie ...


Katie Hopkins - Liaison Officer

Kia Ora Koutou,

Katie here, once a month I attend the Napier Disability Advisory Group (NDAG), to meet with other community workers who represent local disability service providers.  This group was instrumental in encouraging the Napier City Council to develop the Napier Disability Strategy (2019-2023), and continues to provide advice to the council about the strategy as it is implemented.  This group is also a platform where issues in the community can be given a voice. 

If you have any issues that you would like raised or feedback you would like shared with the Napier Disability Advisory Group, please get in touch with me on 878 6875.

If you are considering joining a brain injury support group, Brain Injury HB host various support groups, both online and in-person.   Joining a support group can help you navigate the challenges you may face following a brain injury, and is a great way to connect with others who are in the same boat.  Our newest group, the Taradale Peer Support Group meet for a coffee on the second Thursday of the month at Bay Espresso, Gloucester Street. 

The Hastings Peer Support Group meet for lunch on the last Thursday of the month at the National Service Club.  For more information or to register for this group, please contact me on 878 6875.  Brain injury not only affects the individual, but can impact their family and wider whanau, which is why we a host a whanau support group, where whanau can connect with others who are faced with similar challenges of supporting someone with a brain injury.  This group runs on the first Tuesday of the month, 4-5pm in our office.  Please contact Debbie for more information on 878 6875. 

If you would prefer to connect virtually with others who have experienced a brain injury, or with whanau of people who have experienced a brain injury, we also host online groups via our Facebook Group @ Brain Injury HB.  These groups provide a safe space for people to connect with their peers, and is designed to help individuals discuss issues, struggles, strategies, ideas and solutions they may be facing in their journey.

For those who have not visited us yet, we are holding an open day on Friday 6th November, 10am – 12.  We’d love for you to pop in for a cuppa and see where we are based.  It’s a great opportunity for you to meet the team and hear about the work that we do.  For more information, contact Vicki via email on educator@braininjuryhb.co.nz

Having your voice heard!

Kia ora koutou

Spring is here already! It is so nice to see the days getting a little longer and the temperature is warming up. It won’t be long, and this year will be behind us and I for one am looking forward to that. Covid has certainly had an impact on us all both personally and professionally with the lock down and not being able to move about as freely as we once did.

Things are slowly getting back to “normal” or the new “normal” that we now have to live by as we take care of ourselves and those in our community, by following the guidelines for how we must interact while in level two.

As part of my role here at BIA I attend community group meetings to be able to add our and our clients voice to relevant discussions happening that affect the disability community. One of the groups that I sit on is the Central Hawke’s Bay Disability Group which meets once a month to discuss issues relevant to those living with a disability in CHB. We managed to maintain our meetings during the lockdown via zoom, but now we are back at level two, we are able to return to face to face meetings.

I would like to invite anyone who has a disability related community issue to contact with me if there is something you might like raised at this meeting. For example, we have discussed uneven pavements and accessibility to some businesses amongst other issues. It you have something that you would like to create an awareness on give me a call on 06 8786875 ext 1.

Ngā mihi


Debbie Sullivan - Registered Social Worker

Debbie Sullivan - Registered Social Worker