Survivng the Silly Season

Hi Everyone,

Well what a year we have had!

This one was certainly very different, with lock-down in the middle of it, but thankfully we are out the other side and as a country we are getting some semblance of normality back, just in time for the festive season. We are fortunate that throughout our holiday season we will have the freedom to be able to travel around the country (should we want to) and celebrate the festive season with our family/ Whānau and friends.

While the festive season can be a happy and joyful time it can also bring with it some stress, especially when trying to navigate the seasons social events along with shopping in the hustle and bustle of festive crowds. With this in mind we have found some helpful tips to share in the hopes of making it a stress free and enjoyable holiday season.

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Tips for the holiday season 

When Shopping

·         Where possible avoid the stores and order online.

·         If you are shopping in store, plan your trips to town ahead of time and avoid the busy times and days. Eg. Go in the early morning or late afternoon when there is less people out and about.

·         Write down the stores you intend going to and what it is you intend to buy, making a list can mean spending less time browsing.

·         Remember to take your sunglasses and a hat with a brim which can reduce the glare from not only the sun but also the shop lighting.

·         Wear noise reducing head phones – these also make a great gift for someone with a TBI if they don’t already have them.

·         Shop with a friend, they can help navigate the crowds and support you if any anxiety producing situations arise.

·         Ask someone you trust to help with a budget so you don’t overspend this season.

When Socialising

·         Where possible identify in advance a quiet place to retreat to at gatherings, so that if you need to you can go directly there to have a break and it means your loved ones can stay involved with the festivities

·         Plan in advance where possible and don’t be afraid to ask your hosts what the plans are for the event, so you are not surprised by anything.

·         Take a nap if you need a break.

·         Volunteer to help with the holiday activities that you enjoy and are least stressful for you.

·         Remember it is also OK to skip the big parties and plan to celebrate in a way that makes you happy and comfortable.

·         Most of all -Please remember that it’s ok to ask for help and to accept it when it is offered to you.

From the team here at BIA we wish you all a safe and happy festive season and hope to catch you all in the New Year.

Take care,
