Whanau/Family Support
Brain Injury can have a profound impact on not just the person injured but also their family and wider whanau. We can provide support to the whanau after a loved one experiences a brain injury, our staff are experienced in providing strategies for the often complex challenges that are faced when supporting someone with a brain injury.
What we do
We can work with the whanau as a whole or individual members to provide the following supports. We also facilitate a monthly Support Group for whanau.
Provide advice and assistance to access entitlements and rehabilitation supports for your family member, this could be with ACC, Work and Income or Rehabilitation Providers
To provide advocacy where required, with a focus on mediation where possible and in a way that maintains the lines of communication for the service user and agency.
Provide information, strategies and education on Brain Injury
Support to access Social Activites in the community for your family member
Provide information on appropriate organisations and rehabilitation providers and support to access these services
Provide a registered Social Worker and Community Liaison
We can refer you to experienced counselors who have knowledge of living with someone with a brain injury
Our service is provided across Hawke’s Bay and Central Hawke’s Bay, the office is based in Hastings.
Get in touch
Email: Resource@braininjuryhb.co.nz
Phone: 06 878 6875
Support Groups
We have education and support groups available. Please contact Russel on 06 8786875 or email Support@braininjuryhb.co.nz for more information on these specialised sessions.