Whanau/Family Support

Brain Injury can have a profound impact on not just the person injured but also their family and wider whanau. We can provide support to the whanau after a loved one experiences a brain injury, our staff are experienced in providing strategies for the often complex challenges that are faced when supporting someone with a brain injury.

What we do

We can work with the whanau as a whole or individual members to provide the following supports. We also facilitate a monthly Support Group for whanau.

  • Provide advice and assistance to access entitlements and rehabilitation supports for your family member, this could be with ACC, Work and Income or Rehabilitation Providers

  • To provide advocacy where required, with a focus on mediation where possible and in a way that maintains the lines of communication for the service user and agency.

  • Provide information, strategies and education on Brain Injury

  • Support to access Social Activites in the community for your family member

  • Provide information on appropriate organisations and rehabilitation providers and support to access these services

  • Provide a registered Social Worker and Community Liaison

  • We can refer you to experienced counselors who have knowledge of living with someone with a brain injury

Our service is provided across Hawke’s Bay and Central Hawke’s Bay, the office is based in Hastings.

Liaison Service - How it works.png

Get in touch

Email: Resource@braininjuryhb.co.nz

Phone: 06 878 6875

Support Groups

We have education and support groups available. Please contact Russel on 06 8786875 or email Support@braininjuryhb.co.nz for more information on these specialised sessions.