The Board is currently welcoming new nominations for the Board elections 2021

Nominations for the 2021 Board Elections are currently being received. Please find the application and nomination form below. All nominees must be current members of the Brain Injury Association (HB) Incorporated and their nomination needs to signed by a second member of the organisation - to become a member click here.

As per Brain Injury Association (HB) Incorporated Policy nominations for Board positions will close at 12.00pm 10 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. The final day nominations will be accepted for 2021 is - Monday the 12th of July 2021.

Nominations can be submitted by completing the forms and emailing them to -

The Board currently meets on the third Thursday of every month except January. As part of being a Board Member you may be involved with meetings or sub-committees outside of these monthly meetings. Please see below for more information on being a Board Member.